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Mi word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "mi", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Two characters, how to write "mi" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

Meaning and definition
Synonyms for mi
See also

Letter statistic
Hand signs, morse code
Tarot cards, numerology
Other fun
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Meaning and definition for "mi" word

[noun] the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization
[noun] a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region
[noun] a unit of length equal to 1760 yards
[noun] a unit of length used in navigation; equivalent to the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude; 1,852 meters
[noun] a British unit of length equivalent to 1,853.18 meters (6,082 feet)
[noun] destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle
\Mi\, n. [It.] (Mus.) A syllable applied to the third tone of the scale of C, i. e., to E, in European solmization, but to the third tone of any scale in the American system.

Synonyms for mi

Admiralty mile, air mile, geographical mile, Great Lakes State, international nautical mile, knot, land mile, Michigan, mile, myocardial infarct, myocardial infarction, naut mi, nautical mile, stat mi, statute mile, Wolverine State

See also: 440 yards | 880 yards | Alpena | American state | Ann Arbor | capital of Michigan | Detroit | Detroit River | Flint | furlong | Grand Rapids | half mile | heart attack | Houghton | infarct | infarction | Isle Royal National Park | Jackson | Lake Saint Clair | Lake St. Clair | Lansing | league | linear unit | Lower Peninsula | Mackinac Bridge | Marquette | Middle West | Midwest | Monroe | Motor City | Motown | nautical linear unit | quarter mile | solfa syllable | Traverse City | Upper Peninsula |

The fun area, different aproach to word »mi«

Let's analyse "mi" as pure text. This string has Two letters in One syllable and One vowel. 50% of vowels is 11.4% more then average English word. Written in backwards: IM. Average typing speed for these characters is 545 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: -- ..


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: mi: 9 = 9, reduced: 9 . and the final result is Nine.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: mi: 4 + 9 = 13, reduced: 4, and the final result is Four.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
I (1) 9 Hermit Independent, Researcher, Intell,igent
M (1) 13 Death Creator, Developer, Builder

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